Tuesday, February 10, 2015

So often, when I tell people that I record personal life stories for them to leave for their families, I hear, "Oh, no one would be interested in MY story!  I've lived a pretty ordinary life."

I always reply that those small, ordinary stories are what future generations want to know, whether it's about their parents, grandparents, or great-grandparents, especially if they never knew them.

Think about it: you may already know the "big" facts about your ancesters, such as what country they came from, if they fought in the war, how many children they had, etc.  But do you know the small, intimate details of their lives...the details that made each one unique?  Wouldn't you love to know how they felt when they got on that ship to come to America...were they scared? Were they excited?  What were their hopes and dreams?  What did they like to do in their free time?  Did they fight with their brothers and sisters?  Did they have any special talents?

These are the small but important details that we all want to know about our relatives because they connect us to each other.  These are the details that make us feel that, even if we never met,  we know them...maybe even that we are like them in some way.

Yet so often, sadly, these are the details that are never written down, never shared, never even known...these are the details that are lost forever.

Let us help you preserve your precious family stories, so that they will never be lost.  Let "Family Treasures" be the bridge that connects you with your loved ones for years to come!

Family Treasures


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